Money Flower Bouquet
You can make a lasting impression with this money bouquet.
Combining romance and practicality in this money bouquet with soap roses.
You can send your thoughts in gift-giving form with style!
A wonderful way to celebrate Congratulation, anniversary, engagement, birthday, Valentine's day, Women's day, Mother's day, ... Great for all romantic occasions.
* Note:
- Order product before 1 - 2 days. Delivery in Saigon (ThuDuc, BinhChanh, HocMon, ...).
- For all other towns and provinces please contact us 1-866-GỌI-4MÙA / 1-866-464-4682.
- Model, Quantity, Color product limited order, we will change similar products.
- Image are for illustration and demo only, color and designs may be different depending on seasons and local area.
- Some hotels, hospitals, businesses, schools, for security reasons, do not let our staff deliver flowers. In this case, our staff will to delivered receptionist the signature